Sanskrit Kalanidhi, Maharishi Aazaad returns to work after 4 months.

#SanskritKalanidhi #MaharishiAazaad returns to work after 4 months.

#Militaryschoolstudent, who awakened, advanced, and restored the entire Sanatan world by the proclamation of #AhamBrahmasmi#Internationalambassador of #Sanskrit#SanskritMahanayak, Sanskrit Kalanidhi, #MaharishiAazaad returned back to work after a period of 4 months, today. Due to #CoronavirusPandemic#MaharishiAazaad wasn't able to continue his work from #office from the month of #March, instead he worked regularly from home by conducting several seminars for upliftment and development of #Sanskritlangauge, and made lakhs of people aware with the Sanskrit langauge. Also, Maharishi Aazaad was making the world aware of Coronavirus by making films and videos on Disaster caused by Corona Virus Outbreak and the remedies for protection from the disease. It is noteworthy that because of Coronavirus Pandemic the release of #Mahanayakan and #TheGreatPatriot got delayed and it is expected that Maharishi Aazaad may announce the new release dates of Tamil mega-movie #Mahanayakan and #Englishmovie The Great Patriot soon.

Maharishi Aazaad (महर्षि आज़ाद) of #Varanasi is working on rejuvenation of long-lost, forgotten #languages of the World like #Latin, #Greek and Sanskrit.

Megastar Maharishi Aazaad (महर्षि आज़ाद) has created & completed his #FrenchMovie titled as #GrandPatriot to strengthen and entertain the #traditional, #historical and #cultural bond between the Indo-French civilizations.

Maharishi Aazaad (महर्षि आज़ाद) has created #Spanishmovie #REVOLUTIONARIO to represent Indian Culture at the World Stage.

Not only #English, #Spanish and French, but Megastar Maharishi Aazaad (महर्षि आज़ाद) has also created SYNNATSII in the Russian language to strengthen and entertain the cultural bond between the Indo-Russian Audience.

#MegastarMaharishiAazaad #Rashtraputra #AhamBrahmasmi #MegastarAazaad #JNU #आज़ाद #Aazaad #महर्षिआज़ाद #Sanskrit #Mahanayak #MaaAyurveda #Mahanayakan #संस्कृतमहानायक #SanskritMahanayakAazaad #BombayTalkies #संस्कृत #KaminiDubeProductions #AazaadFederation #MotherAyurveda #WorldLiteratureOrganisation #TheBombayTalkiesStudios #राष्ट्रपुत्र #अहंब्रह्मस्मि #DubeIndustries
